Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Should You Permit Your Dog to Lick You?

 Having a pet dog can bring a lot of joy and companionship into your life. They are loyal, loving, and always happy to see you. But one debate that many dog owners find themselves in is whether or not they should let their furry friend lick them. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of letting your dog lick you and ultimately help you make an informed decision.


Dogs are known for their affectionate nature, and licking is one of the many ways they show their love and loyalty to their owners. This behavior is rooted in their instincts, as licking is how dogs communicate with each other and show submission. For many dog owners, receiving a slobbery kiss from their beloved pet is a sign of affection and a bonding experience.

Pros of letting your dog lick you:

  1. It strengthens the bond between you and your dog: Licking is a natural behavior for dogs, and by allowing them to lick you, you are strengthening the bond between you and your furry friend. It can help build trust and communication, and can even help reduce anxiety and stress for both you and your dog.

  2. It can be a form of grooming: Dogs will often lick their owners as a form of grooming, especially after eating or when they are trying to clean themselves. This behavior can help keep your dog clean and healthy, as their saliva has antibacterial properties that can help prevent infections.

  3. It can be comforting for your dog: Just like how humans find comfort in physical touch, dogs find comfort in licking their owners. It can be a soothing and calming gesture for them, especially when they are feeling anxious or scared.

Cons of letting your dog lick you:

  1. It can spread bacteria and germs: While a dog's saliva does have antibacterial properties, it can still contain harmful bacteria and germs that can be passed on to humans through licking. This can lead to infections or illnesses, especially if you have open wounds or a weakened immune system.

  2. It can reinforce bad behavior: Allowing your dog to lick you whenever they want can reinforce the behavior and make it difficult to control. This can lead to other unwanted behaviors, such as jumping up on people or begging for food.

  3. It can be unpleasant: Let's face it, not everyone enjoys getting a wet, slobbery kiss from their dog. If the thought of your dog licking you makes you uncomfortable, then it's perfectly okay to set boundaries and discourage the behavior.

Whether or not you should let your dog lick you ultimately comes down to personal preference and comfort level. While there are some benefits to allowing your dog to lick you, there are also potential risks to consider. It's important to establish boundaries with your dog and communicate your preferences clearly to ensure a happy and healthy relationship. If you do choose to let your dog lick you, be sure to practice good hygiene and clean yourself regularly to minimize the risk of spreading bacteria. Remember, what works for one dog owner may not work for another, so do what feels right for you and your furry friend.

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